


Project MK8: Radio Telescope Pointing software

Here is a pointing/tracking script to steer and track celestial objects. The target you have to select can be the sun, the moon, jupiter, other planets or a well known star. When running the script,it sends every second the azimuth and altutude angle of the target to a communication port of the PC. The date and the time is retrieved from the PC. Your motor controller has to convert the the angle data to a speed of the motors. Further you have to fill in your longitude and latitude location.

The in-accuracy is smaller than 1 arc second; this is 0.00027 degrees. Even milli-arcsecond accuracy is claimed when compared to the Naval Observatory's NOVAS library!see

Every second new pointing values are given, but you can change that to some other interval.

The script is written in Python-xy and can be found here

Included is the an editor called "spider". Programming is like "Basic" in old times. Further you have to add/run the module called pyephem - (md5) from here;

Finally add the serial module pyserial -2.7.win32_py3k.exe from here;

This script is here:ephem11, and lookes like this:

ephem obj

Fig.1 - Python Ephem.

If your controller wants to see a different format then you can change that in the script.

To test it you use two PC's; one with this program running and via a so called zero modem cable the signal goes to the second PC. (Via a null modem cable the send pins from PC1 are connected to the receive pins of PC2 and vice versa; easy to make yourself, google it.) On this second PC you run Hyperterminal with the right settings for instance; 9600 b/s, 8 databits, 1 stopbit, parity; none, flowcontrol; none.

The output looks like this;


Fig.2 - Hyperterminal sample output.

Michiel Klaassen october 2014