

project MK6 Adding more Python functions to Cfrad post processing

The extra functions are often just a few script lines, so it is not usefull to publish a new version of a plot script with every new line. We just take the standard plot script here.

and indicate where to insert the new fuction. You have to find the equivalent location in your own script.

1. Average multiple spectra lines.
If you have a stable measurement, you could wish to integrate the signal of the source longer than 5 minutes.
Average of a number of 5 minute spectra and save sum file to disk for later use.
Insert after original line 189
sumsets=np.zeros((2048)) ;
sumf=3#sum spectrum number from
sumt=23#sum spectrum number to
for sets in range (sumf,sumt):
np.savetxt(filename+"sum"+str(sumf)+"-"+str(sumt)+".txt",sumsets)# save sum file

You can add the average spectrum sum at the bottom of the overview graph.
Insert after original line 192

all lines shift correction

Adding multiple 5 minute spectra and plot result

2.Prepare for contour plotting or fits file generation.
To show a contour graph, all the nrad files have to be corrected for the bandpass curve.
Also the spectra base lines have to be normalized; that is; the baseline drift has to be compensated.
If not, you get jumps in the contour lines. See project MK5 to post process the contour graph.
Insert after original line 187
     offsetcor=1-((data[50]+data[60]+data[1990]+data[2000])/4)#line space normalizing
     np.savetxt(filename+str(sets)+".tct",data)#csv preparation. to disable; place # at start of line

normalization no

No Normalization

normalization yes

With normalization

3. Compensate slanting of the baselines.
Because of temperature drift or meteo differences over a long time, the baselines can start slanting.
This can be compensated . Note that the absolute baseline value is changed by this action, however for frequency comparations this has no effect.
Insert after original line 184
     beg=np.mean(data[180:220]#or choose another start value
     eind=np.mean(data[1828:1868]#or choose another endvalue
     for i in range (0,2048):
         data[i]=data[i]+i*(beg-eind)/1648#correct z axis slanting


W3(OH-12GHz-slanted and corrected

4. Plot all spectra with 2048 BINS as x-axis.
This can be usefull when you want to know in which bin an amplitude effect took place.
Insert after original line 207
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
#ax.plot(sumsets,linewidth=1) #average
for i in range (vans,ms+1):

5. Compensate frequency drift; because of xtal drift.
Use option nr 4 to plot the spectra.
Point with your mouse at a distinct feature of the source curve (first line) and note the bin number=x
Next select the latest line of the source curve for which you want to compensate.
Point again to thesame feature on that last line and note the bin number=y
Count the number of lines between the two selected lines=z.
Remove one of the '#' to select correction of the top to the left or the right.
Insert after original line 164
     for set in range (vans,int(sets*a+0.5)) : #shift: a=abs(x-y)/z
         for q in range (1,2047):
#             data[q]=dat[q+1] #shift top to left
#             data[2048-q]=data[2048-q-1]#shift top to right

all lines w3-av

temperature frequency drifted lines

all lines shift correction

All lines shift corrected

6. Reverse spectrum.
There are several ways to do that, but I choose on obvious one.
Replace line 202 with
ax.set_xlim( Sf, -Sf)

Reverse X scale

X scale corrected curve

7. Adding a second scale; for instance; VLSR.
For neutral hydrogen;
restfreq=1420 405 752 Hz
observation frequency =1420 000 000 Hz
bandwidth=2048000 Hz
LSR=Velocity of the Local Standard of Rest of the earth; this includes rearth own rotation and rotation around the sun.
This value can be calculated from;
This value varies between + and - 30 km/s; As a first appoximation; LSR can be set to 0.
Insert after original line 206
ax2 = ax.twiny()
ax2.set_xlim( frVLSR, toVLSR)
ax2.set_xlabel('VLSR [km/s]')
ax2.set_title('Milky Way - 16-6-2014', y=1.07)

Added second X scale

Added second X scale

8. Change the reference level from 1 to 0.
Replace line 141 with
ax.plot(f-Sf,(raw4)-np.min(raw4), linewidth=1,label='clean')
Or select a 'no signal' region and calculate an average reference value to subtract
ax.plot(f-Sf,(raw4)-np.mean(raw4[300:400]), linewidth=1,label='clean')

9. RFI suppression.
9.1 Valley finding.
In the graph, successive low points are connected, and so pieks are cutt off.
Disadvantage is ; loss of resolution.
The gap to bridge can be set from 1=no gap to 50= large gap, default=10

Insert after original line 125
D=data[0]#scan start
for i in range (1,2047):
     if data[i] <= data[i-1] and data[i]<data[i+1] and (i-C)<10: #dan valley
         dalval=data[i] # found valley value
         for n in range (1,(i-C)):
             data[C+n]=(n*(dalval-D)/(i-C))+data[C]# linear interpolation
     elif data[i] <= data[i-1] and data[i]<data[i+1]:

Insert after original line 53 or 164
    D=data[0]#scan start
    for i in range (1,2047):
         if data[i] <= data[i-1] and data[i]<data[i+1] and (i-C)<10: #dan valley
             dalval=data[i] # found valley value
             for n in range (1,(i-C)):
                 data[C+n]=(n*(dalval-D)/(i-C))+data[C]# linear interpolation
         elif data[i] <= data[i-1] and data[i]<data[i+1]:

RFI suppression

RFI suppression

10.Vertical Scale calibration.
Point telescope to strong H1 source like direction RA 20H, DEC=40deg.
Use and also fill in the beam of the telescope to get the profile.
Note the peak value of the unibonn curve =UB
Note your raw peak value=RV
Gain correction: GC=UB/RV
Insert after original line 150
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.plot(f-Sf,GC*(raw4-np.min(raw4)), linewidth=1)
ax.set_xlim( -Sf, Sf)
ax.set_title('Selected line')
ax.set_xlabel('Frequency +1420.4 [MHz]') #
ax.set_ylabel('Brightness Temperature [K]')

Standard selected line

Standard curve


Reference curve

Y-scale corrected

Y scale corrected curve

11. Intensity as a function of time.
The spectrum consists of 2048 bins; each bin can be selected as a time signal.
It will be more easy to choose a bin when option 4 is used.
More bins can be chosen also to form an averaging signal.
Insert after original line 207
data=np.zeros((ms+1,2048)) ;
sign1=np.zeros((ms+1,1));#signal 1 of possible 2048 signals
for n in range (0,ms+1):
     data[n] = np.loadtxt(filename+str(n)+".txt")
     for k in range (1407,1408):# select bins of interest
     for k in range (500,510): #select quiet part of spectrum (in bins)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.plot(516*((sign1-reflow)-np.min(sign1-reflow) ) )#
ax.set_title('Milky Way drift scan')
ax.set_xlabel('*5min from start')
ax.set_ylabel('Brightness Temperature [K]')

brightness versus time

Brightness versus Time

Michiel Klaassen 03mrt2020